
Joie de Vivre has been featured in Take Back Your Time’s newsletter this month! Check it out HERE!

Take Back Your Time is a major U.S./Canadian initiative to challenge the epidemic of overwork, over-scheduling and time famine that now threatens our health, our families and relationships, our communities and our environment.”

They are also hosting the Happiness 2012 Conference in Seattle this year, which will be the weekend of August 24th and 25th. Keynote speaker will be Eric Weiner of NPR, who is also author of the bestselling book The Geography of BlissThere will also be loads of other fascinating experts to share their knowledge and do their part in the Play Revolution! Just check out their list of speakers, and if you’ll be in Seattle at the end of the summer, stop by Happiness 2012 and get your bliss on.

Feel passionate about Take Back Your Time’s purpose? Do you also want to take back your time? Check out these awesome posters to spread the word in your community!

Thanks Take Back Your Time for spreading the Joie, and thanks for all your grassroots lovin’ Joie fans. Our Kickstarter video will be coming out soon and we need all the unofficial digital-street-teamers we can get to spread the word before it does! Please feel free to share Joie’s Facebook and Twitter pages, support a beautiful film so important to us all – and add a little playful inspiration to your social network. Win, win, win! :]

You guys are the best. Ok, back to editing!

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